Local tax regulations
Another increase for the hotel industry?
The latter months of 2014 led us to daydream, to lose ourselves, just a little, in the illusion that administrative matters would become simpler, that the “enterprise” would fall back in favour and that the promise not to introduce new taxes in 2015 at least would be respected.
Acquisition of the Premises and Business
Foundations of the banking equation
The hotel industry is a sector at the crossroads of services and real estate. The acquisition of the business (OpCo), the premises (PropCo) or both (HotelCo – OpCo / PropCo) has changed the approach of banks to financing.
Urban hotel-residences : 2015 Study
In Extenso Tourisme, Culture & Hôtellerie has published the 9th edition of its annual study on the urban hotel-residence market. 20 pages of general analysis :
- evolution and characteristics of supply ;
- evolution of supply on major markets (Paris, Ile-de-France, major cities) ;
- presentation of key market operators and their brands ;
- market commercial performance in 2014 (occupancy, average rates) ;
- 2015 trends
Ten challenges of integrating sustainable development in tourism and hotels
In recent years, a vast number of tourism actors and hoteliers have rallied behind the sustainable development cause: eco-labels, ISO certification, sustainable development charters and policies, guest awareness programmes, training, and so on.
The experiential side of the hotel stay
At the beginning, there was no such thing as standardisation. Forty or 50 years ago, travellers staying in hotels made their own discoveries along the way. Each property had its own characteristics and history. Each had its own style of decoration. Indeed to some extent, we were already in “the experiential”; except that the experience was not always as thrilling as hoped – unless of course one happens to be a fan of flower wallpaper or squeaky wardrobe doors…
2015 Annual Conference
The 17th annual edition of Hospitality Trends took place on the 12th February 2015 at the Palais de la Bourse, Paris. Over 600 industry players and decision-makers attended the event, that focused on the following key themes:
- 2014 performance of the French, European and international hospitality industry ;
- Perspectives for 2015 ;
- Challenges of reconverting offices into hotels ;
- Family offices in the hotel sector.
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