Culture and heritage

In Extenso TCH advises on the creation, conservation and diffusion of culture as a whole: tangible and intangible heritage, museums and visitor centres, live performing arts, contemporary arts, music, books and public readings, cultural industries, creative economy (design, graphics, architecture), cinema, arts and crafts, etc.

Marie-Hélène RICHARD, L’Échappée belle, 2015. Installation dans le 3e cloître du monastère royal de Brou (Bourg-en-Bresse) dans le cadre de l'exposition À l'ombre d'Eros.
Marie-Hélène RICHARD, L’Échappée belle, 2015. Installation dans le 3e cloître du monastère royal de Brou (Bourg-en-Bresse).


  • Cultural facilities

    We can provide advice in defining and relaunching cultural facilities such as museums of France, museums of popular arts and traditions, eco-museums, visitor centres and sites.

  • Promoting heritage

    Built heritage: fortifications, châteaus, abbeys, etc

    Industrial and artisan heritage


    Intangible heritage: illustrous individual etc

  • Contemporary art

    We can provide support to public and private project managers seeking to create, diffuse or present contemporary art: artistic centres, art incubators, creative clusters, etc. These initiatives fall under regional cultural policy and are issues to be considered in making culture more accessible.

  • Artisan

    In Extenso TCH has developed know-how in the artisan field, further to numerous opportunity and feasibility studies and assignments covering the development of venues or craft clusters aimed at promoting the savoir-faire of local artists and craftsmen / women.

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