Operational optimisation

Companies, associations and local authorities often have to face situations that can harm their operations and / or curb their development: organisational inflexibility, rising costs, falling revenues, complexity of tasks, etc. In response to this, IE TCH has created customised methods and solutions for improving the overall performance of organisations.

  • Audit

    An audit is an occasion for strategic reflection on how an organisation operates. The goal is to asses operational efficiency, pinpoint blockages and place the organisation on the path towards improvement. An audit entails verifying the appropriateness of the organisation’s operation (procedural audit, management audit, organisational audit, procurement cycle analysis, information diffusion analysis, etc.), identifying malfunctions and defining ways to correct them (implementing score cards, nominating representatives, training, drafting technical guidelines, adapting procedures, etc.).

  • Change management / HR strategy

    We can outline the overall strategic orientation in terms of change management and human resource management, and recommend the best methods and tools for meeting the identified challenges (e.g. training schemes and skills acquisition).

  • Hotel management and marketing assistance

    We offer various types of assistance:

    • Commercial and operational audits for a hotel under operation or targeted for acquisition
    • Commercial and marketing assistance, post-acquisition and under the form of a contract.
    • Operational and commercial management for a third party.
  • Environmental assessment

    Mindful of the global challenges behind the notion of sustainable development, and fully aware of the economic reality that weighs on today’s hospitality professionals, we have sought to develop a service offer that reconciles both aspects (environmental and economic). An environmental assessment allows you to measure your property’s environmental impact, identify the associated costs and implement an effective action plan that both reduces your environmental impact and optimises the associated costs in your profit and loss statement.

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