Definition and feasibility of a centre for caribbean culture in Martinique

Consultation, project management, definition and feasibility of a structuring facility 

DATE : 2015

BUDGET : 38 K€


Museums / Cultural centres / Tangible and intangible heritage / Performing arts / Literature, oraliture / Visual arts / History / Ethnography


Martinique region


Bernard Müller, anthropologist

Assignment context and objectives

The Martinique Region wanted to instigate an ambitious cultural project that would promote the diversity of Caribbean cultures in a lively and innovative way. This “archipelago” venue – modelled on the Caribbean thought that combines history and ethnographic sources with a contemporary creation – aims to be an identity tool for opening the area up to the world.

The assignment constituted the first stage of the project by:

  • Defining what the future centre should be.
  • Determining its feasibility and putting in place the organisation that will allow it to exist.
In Extenso TCH's Tasks
  • Broad consultation in Martinique and with potential partners (French and international cultural institutions).
  • Definition of conceivable concepts for the centre functional, content, organisational.
  • Implementation of a scientific and pilot committee, operational assistance for driving the project.
  • Economic, technical and organisational feasibility and road map for the centre’s realisation.

In Extenso TCH's market and feasibility studies

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