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Les Tendances de l’Hôtellerie 2022
WEBINAIRE | Les Tendances de l’Hôtellerie #1 : bilan de l'année 2021 focus France et Europe
Occupancy growth is being confirmed
Occupancy grew in February 2017 in all categories except the Luxury segment throughout most of France.
The green shoots of recovery are there
Since the end of 2016, tourist demand has begun to recover in France, with January confirming the trend.
Tourism and Hospitality Trends 2019
The world economy over the last decade has been hit by a series of major economic crises and shocks, including the 2008-2009 global financial crisis, the 2010-2012 European sovereign debt crisis and, most recently, the commodity price corrections observed over the period 2014-2016. However, 2017 saw the return of economic growth almost everywhere in the world – the highest level recorded since 2011. The euro zone symbolised this recovery, posting the highest growth in ten years.